WWSA 063 |
Pickering’s War Weekend took place from Friday 14th through Sunday 16th October this year. In the 20+ years I have lived in this area, this year was the first time I was able to visit for this special weekend, over the Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday. The town was heaving, hundreds of people, from the local area and from far afield dressing up in 1940’s fashions or uniforms and taking part or attending as spectators. The atmosphere was charged with jollity, bonhomie, and felt much as I would imagine it might have been on VE Day. I was told by one visiting re-enactor that at least one pub ran out of Bitter by Saturday night.
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There were uniforms from all branches of the military, British, American and Anzac as well as others. Nurses, Waitresses and ladies and gents wearing 1940’s civilian clothing, and I must say that compared with some of today’s sloppy fashions, they looked very smart indeed, coupons and make-do and mend notwithstanding. One gentleman I approached was dressed as a Spiv, dark suit, white tie etc., very flashy, and he flashed the black market goods lining his jacket at me! Unfortunately I cannot show his photo as he is contracted to a theatrical agency. Other individuals pictured here gave their permission for their photo’s to be shown on my blog.
Click on photo's to enlarge.
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I noticed quite a large number of the military personnel had been 'decorated' by the local ladies, with red kisses on their cheeks.
It's the uniform that does it every time.
All the photo's shown here were all taken on Saturday afternoon. If you spot yourself here, and would like a copy of the photo, take a note of the code number beneath it and email me. I will send you a .jpg copy via email.
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There were a large number of wonderful vintage cars on show along the main streets,
along with military vehicles of all types, jeeps, tanks, trucks, military motorcycles, and a beautiful old traction engine.
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The next photo is of a beautiful cream coloured Bentley, occupied by two lovely, and well dressed ladies. What a wonderful way to travel. There seemed to be some doubt about whether the lady in the driving seat had legs, though she kept assuring teasing friends that she had actually left the car for a few minutes!
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Now how about these two
impressive moustaches! I couldn't resist them, I happen to like beards and moustaches, my husband has both, I threatened to divorce him if he ever tried to shave them off!
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Yup.... they're over here .. but I can't say too much
cos I am married to one..!
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I loved the little produce van that was parked near the station, that's a friend standing in front of it.
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As I was about to take a photo of this US Army vehicle, this handsome young soldier strolled over, I gather it is his so he is in the picture too.
The soldier on the right is on sentry duty I think.
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As the air raid siren sounded, the crowd on platform 2 at Pickering Railway Station calmly made their way to the air raid shelter, chivvied by the ARP's, whilst the Home Guard (lovingly known as 'Dad's Army') get ready to fire on any dive-bombing enemy aircraft.
Members of our Senior Service
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This young man from Sidney, Australia is representing the ANZACS, where would we have been without all our brave allies. He seemed to have an inkling of the future, knew all about computers...!
WWSA 123 |
Unfortunately, due to camera shake, the photo of this young boy soldier is blurred, but I got a better one next day. He wasn't playing his ukelele though. Here he was collecting for Platoon funds.
More photo's next week, from Sunday the 16th. including 'capture' of four SS Panzer Tank personnel, and if I can figure out how to do it, possibly a slide film of other pics I took on both days, featuring vintage cars, trains and other scenes.
For more photo's from around
Our World Tuesday